Chapter 1: General Policy and Responsibilities

Program Ownership

Program Manager: Ian Evans


Additional Contacts

Resource Programs List 

Chief Safety Officer (CSO): Ian Evans

ESH Contacts

If you need assistance, use our online ESH Help Ticket Form  or call (650) 926-4554 (ESH Help Desk)


ESH Internal Site 

- Programs and Program Managers List 

- Safety Committees 

The purpose of this program is to relay environment, safety, and health (ESH) policy and to ensure ESH is appropriately addressed in all activities at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory so as to protect workers, the public, and the environment. 

The ESH program applies to all SLAC management and workers (employees, subcontractors, and users), and all SLAC work activities, and covers the overall ESH framework including defining roles and responsibilities, setting requirements and providing resources. By so doing, SLAC meets the Department of Energy (DOE) standards for having an integrated safety and environmental management system (ISEMS) and a worker safety and health program (WSHP).

Quick Start Summary [pdf]Full chapter [pdf]

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