SLAC Site Security
Simon Ovrahim
SLAC Site Security Manager
- Internal Contact
General SLAC Security
SLAC Site Security provides services to people at SLAC both working and visiting. We help with badging, site entry, lost and found, gate information, and more. If you need further assistance, please visit our office at Building 53 lobby, or contact us via e-mail or by telephone at 650-926-2551.
If this is your first visit to SLAC, please review the complete access information on our VUE Center - Coming to SLAC. There are additional resources on that site for visitors, Users, and new employees
If you have a SLAC log-in and are looking for additional Security information, such as how to obtain keys, see the SLAC Internal Security Information site.
Security Assistance
The Main Gate is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The entrance to SLAC is 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, just east of Interstate 280. The Main Gate phone is 650-926-2551
Office Hours
Monday - Friday, 6am to 5pm, except holidays
The Security Office is located in building 53, which is the building you can see directly behind the Main Gate, slightly to the left. Inside, there is a lobby desk staffed by Security, and the VUE Center is just beyond it, on the left side as you come in the building.
Site Access
If you are visiting SLAC for any purpose, please fill out the form at the SLAC Access Portal. The form will guide you through the process, starting with if you are attending a conference or all other visits. The 'other visits' include if you are going to be working at SLAC or just visiting a friend. The SLAC Access Portal will start the on-boarding process for subcontractors and other people who need system entry.
The SLAC ID badge provides identification of employees, scientific users, and contractors to the site during working and non-working hours and for access to the Accelerator Area at all times. A current SLAC ID badge is required for entry to the site unless specific entry information has been provided to the Gate Officers. ID is required at all times; during working hours, non-working hours, and on weekends and holidays.
- Site Safety, Security, and Access Guide [pdf]
(handed out at the Main Gate as a trifold brochure) - Badging at SLAC
- Subcontractor Badging Process
SLAC Internal: See Gate Information for more information about the internal and external site access, including videos on how to use the automated systems.
SLAC Internal: Badging Office Information
Accidents should be reported immediately via 650-926-5555. A Patrol Officer will be dispatched to the location immediately. If anyone is injured, dial 911 immediately, followed by a call to Security 650-926-5555.
See Emergency Information for more information and phone numbers.
Theft Reports
Thefts should be reported to Security immediately via 650-926-2551 (Main Gate). A Patrol Officer will be dispatched to the location to prepare an incident report.
Everyone at SLAC must ensure that they provide adequate storage and protection of government equipment and materials in their possession. Physically securing your computer, high value items, and personal belongings and property, locking your office when you will be away and keeping hand tools in a locked tool box or cabinet should be a high priority for everyone at SLAC. Know or find out who your computer administrator is to ask for additional information in securing your computers.
If someone is in your area removing computers or equipment, and you do not know of a valid business reason, call Security 650-926-2551.