Radiation Protection
Radiological Field Operations (650) 926-4299
ESH Contacts - includes Safety Officers and ESH Coordinators
SLAC Internal Radiological Call-In List
SLAC Internal Survey Requests RP Dispatch Request
SLAC Policy is to conduct radiological operations in a manner that ensures the health and safety of all its employees, contractors, and the general public. The mission of the Radiation Protection Department is to maintain personnel and environment radiation doses below regulatory limits and as low as reasonably achievable, to prevent unplanned or accidental exposure to ionizing radiation, and to prevent release of radioactive material into the environment. RP is fully committed to implementing a radiological control program of the highest quality that consistently reflects this policy.
Some of the areas RP works in:
- Radiation Safety Program development and implementation
- Dosimetry
- Radiological Environmental Protection
- Radiological and Laser Safety Training
- Radiological Work and Dose Control
- Radiation Emergency Preparedness and Response
- Service and Calibration of Radiation Detection Instrumentation
- Decontamination and Decommissioning
- Radioactive Material Management
- Shielding and Safety System Design
- Radiation Transport Code modeling support
- R&D in applied radiation physics in support of the mission of SLAC
- Radioactive Waste Management
- Laser Safety Program development and implementation
The primary information is found in our ESH Manual in these areas:
In addition to those, RP maintains and updates these important documents:
- Radiological Control Manual (RCM) [pdf]
- Radiological Material Restrictions, Terms and Conditions
- Radioactive Waste Manual (RWM) [pdf]
- Radiation Safety Systems (RSS) [pdf]
Related: Conduct of Accelerator Facility Operations
(an Accelerator document that has several chapters important for Radiation Safety)
For more information and resources for SLAC Internal personnel, please see the RP Department site: