Chapter 10: Laser Safety

Program Ownership

Program Manager: Michael B. Woods

Additional Contacts


Laser Safety Officer (LSO): Michael B. Woods

Deputy Laser Safety Officer: Igor Makasyuk

Laser Safety Committee 


Laser Safety Program Site (SharePoint) 

The purpose of this program is to mitigate the hazards posed by optical lasers, which operate at wavelengths between 180 nm and 1 mm. High-power lasers (Class 3B and Class 4) are used at SLAC in research and accelerator operations. The primary hazard associated with their operation is potential eye damage; other potential hazards include skin burns, electrical currents, explosions, fires, toxic material, laser-generated air contaminants, collateral radiation, noise, and ultraviolet light. Low-power lasers (Class 2 and Class 3R) include laser pointers and alignment lasers; they are safe when used as intended, but require some controls.

This program covers the setup and operation of high-power lasers, encompassing operation approval of laser controlled areas (LCAs), approval of system laser safety officers (SLSOs) assigned to the LCAs, and approval for two classes of laser workers: qualified laser operators (QLOs) and laser controlled area workers (LCA workers). It also covers the operation of low-power lasers.

It applies to workers who use low-power lasers, operate high-power lasers, or may access facilities where such lasers operate; their line management, supervisors, points of contact, project managers, and ESH coordinators; and laser facility program managers, SLSOs, directorate laser leads, the laser safety officer (LSO), and Occupational Health and Purchasing.

Quick Start Summary

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