In Case of Emergency
Safety First! Your safety is always the most important thing!
In case of emergency, call 911
- then call Site Security 650-926-5555
After 911 and x5555, then notify your supervisor or SLAC point of contact, then your ESH Coordinator or Duty Operator / Floor Coordinator
ESH Help Ticket Form or (650) 926-4554
ESH Admin (650) 926-4460
ESH Anonymous Report (650) 926-4641
Internal ESH Programs and Contacts
Occupational Health Center
(650) 926-2281
Radiological Field Operations
(650) 926-4299
SLAC Site Security (650) 926-2551
Safety Officers
Safety Officers are subject matter experts in hazards of special concern, appointed by the SLAC Laboratory Director or the Chief Safety Officer.
Chief Safety Officer: Ian Evans
Fire Marshal: Scott Coleman
Electrical Safety Officer: Keith Jobe
Laser Safety Officer: Mike Woods
- Deputy LSO: Igor Makasyuk
Radiation Safety Officer: Sayed Rokni
SLAC Pressure Systems Safety Manager: Manuel Gonzalez
Authority Having Jurisdiction
Fire Protection Code and Standards Interpretation
Scott Coleman, SLAC Fire Marshal
Electrical Installations - NFPA 70
Doug Stickney
Electrical Safe Work Practices - NFPA 70E
Keith Jobe, Electrical Safety Officer
Building-related Code Interpretation and Approval
Mark Matthews, SLAC Building Code Official
ESH Coordinators
Program directors, associate directors, group leaders, department heads, project managers, and facility representatives are authorized to designate safety coordinators to represent them in ESH matters.
If you do not see your specific division or area listed, your ESH Coordinator is Greg W. Johnson
Director's Office and Operations
Includes Business Services, ES&H, F&O, HR, IT, and Communications
Accelerator Directorate (AD)
Lead - Amy Ecclesine
- Accelerator Operations & Safety Division (AOSD): Tony Andrews, Zoe Van Hoover, Lena Lazareva
- Accelerator Research Division: Amy Ecclesine
- AD NLCTA: Cristina Padilla-Hernandez - ASTA, S30XL: Linh Phan
- Cryo Plant: Larry Griffie
- Electronics Engineering Division: Britt von Thaden
- FACET & Test Facilities Division: Amy Ecclesine
- Mechanical Engineering & Technical Support Division: Richard E. Atkinson
- NC Linac & FEL Division: Amy Ecclesine
- SC Linac Division: Amy Ecclesine
- SPEAR3 Accelerator Division: Matt Padilla (lead), Tina Gee
Energy Sciences Directorate (ESD)
Fundamental Physics Directorate (FPD)
Major Capital Projects
Lead: Ian Evans
- LCLS II HE: Kathleen Ratcliffe
- CRMF: Kathleen Ratcliffe
- CUIR: Ramsey Razik
- MEC-U: Marc Weibel
- LSCC: Ramsey Razik
Lead: Marc Weibel
- Chemical/Biological/Nanomaterial Safety: Chris Kupitz
- Radiation Safety: Alyssa Prinz