Chapter 55: Site Access Control
Program Ownership
The purpose of this program is to protect individuals at SLAC from potentially hazardous equipment and materials and to protect government property and the environment by ensuring access is limited to areas for which individuals have adequate training and authorization. It covers the granting and use of physical access privileges to the SLAC site. It applies to all individuals at SLAC: employees, users, subcontractors, and visitors; supervisors/managers, points of contact, the ESH division director, senior management team, and laboratory director; and SLAC Site Security, the User Support Office, the Radiation Protection Department, and SLAC Training.
See the COVID-19 Resource Center for modifications.
Procedures and Requirements
Forms and Tools
- SLAC Access Portal
- Subcontractor After-hours Access Authorization Form [pdf] | [docx]
- Arrillaga Center Family Badge Request [SharePoint]
Other Program Documents and Resources
- SLAC Site Security
- Coming to SLAC - VUE Center for Visitors, Users, and New Employees