NEPA: National Environmental Policy Act

The NEPA project review process is intended to help make decisions that are based on understanding of environmental consequences, and take actions that protect, restore, and enhance the environment. The DOE ensures full compliance with the purposes and provisions of the act to the fullest extent possible. The term "to the fullest extent possible" means unless applicable law expressly prohibits or makes compliance impossible. The DOE is responsible for determining if proposed projects at SLAC meet NEPA regulations.

Projects at SLAC that may require a NEPA review include:

  • Replacement, demolition, or modification of a structure
  • New construction
  • Environmental restoration or remediation projects
  • Research projects

All work funded by the following account types require a NEPA review:

  • Capital Equipment Projects (CEP)
  • Accelerator Improvement Projects (AIP)
  • General Plant Projects (GPP)
  • Line Item Construction (LIC)
  • Lab Directed Research and Development (LDRD)

This list is not inclusive. There may be other projects that may require NEPA documentation. Administrative (financial, contractual, data analysis, etc.) and routine operations (building maintenance, machining, landscaping, etc.) do not require a NEPA review.

Contact Information

SLAC Program Manager:

ESH Environmental Protection

Public inquiries should be directed to:

Risa Benwell
DOE SLAC Site Office (SSO)
2575 Sand Hill Rd., MS 8A
Menlo Park, CA 94025